I’m Claire, I am a relationship, dating and sex coach, aka The Wild Woman CEO as well as the Relationship and Dating expert on Dublin City FM where I feature on Friday’s Good morning segment.

Welcome.  I am so glad you are here.  

If you have recently been through a break up, are navigating divorce or post divorce or maybe you have sadly lost your partner and are considering stepping into dating however you have no freaking clue where to start then you are in the right place.  

Alternatively maybe you are in relationship, in that midlife stage, children growing up, more independent and soon to be fleeing the nest and having more time together is exposing your relationship issues, which frankly has become functional, lacking intimacy and you feel like you have both lost that spark and mojo.  I can help you rekindle the love between you, preventing a break up.

Let me share a little bit about me…

I’ve been an entrepreneur since 2009 and have been running my coaching practice since 2016.  It has evolved over time as I have evolved but relationships have always been at the core of my work.

I am highly intuitive and the way I coach is that I tune into you and your energy, this allows me to access the exact questions for your growth and expansion.  Coaching together I would help you get super clear on what you want and unravel the stories, thoughts and beliefs that are in the way of achieving that.  These stories are buried in your subconscious.  Through my intuitive coaching we bring those right up to the surface shining a light on them.  My work goes deep and I am exceptionally powerful at getting to the root cause of an issue fast.  This is why my clients have rapid results not just in their relationship and dating experiences but also in their business and work.

The reason being is I coach all of you.

I coach 1-1, in couples as well as group retreats and all genders.

“My life is unrecognisable”, (a recent client’s words), she thought she wanted to leave her long term partner however through coaching she deepened her connection and intimacy with him as well as have the biggest turnover year in her business and created a waitlist of clients which had never happened before.

When you coach with me I coach the whole person, because how you do one thing is how you do everything which is why everything shifts.

Also no topic is taboo when you coach with me.  I encourage my clients to bring it all.  What this means is I can support you on healing and integrating all parts of your being which then allows you to embody all of who you are and be the fullest expression of self.

Sexuality is an important part of the work I do as this is key part of who you are.  What I witness over and over again is by owning your sexuality you also own your voice which has profound impact on how you show up in the world and in your life and business.

Aside from coaching I am a single and divorced who is consciously dating.  I have 3 children (2 are adults now!) and when I’m not coaching I love to do Crossfit, sing, dance, cook and swim in the ocean when I can.

I’m really excited to connect with you. 

Feel free to book a 15 minute call with me if you are drawn to and we can explore what coaching with me could look like for you.

Connect with me on Facebook , Instagram or Tiktok

Claire has featured in The Sun 

 The Daily Mail – Femail

Sunday Express

Kizzi’s health journal 

Yahoo news 

Andover Advertiser

and Best magazine edition 5 of 2024.